The Meyer family visit….

by on Jul.26, 2011, under July 2011

Michaela’s parents came down for the weekend of her birthday.  They came down on Friday the 22nd and we went to dinner at Chili’s.  On Saturday, we made a trip to Sweetwater and hit the cheese factory and the sock shop, of course.  Sunday was spent hanging around the house and a trip to Wal Mart for Paul and Sitay.  Then for dinner on Sunday, Grumpa and Sitay took Michaela and family to Red Robin’s (yummmmm) for dinner.  The wait staff brought a sundae and sang “Happy Birthday”.  Monday was another lazy day for the most part.  Paul, Michaela and Grumpa went to the F.O.P range and fired off a few rounds before heading back to the house.

On Tuesday morning, Sitay and Grumpa set out for Michigan.  It was a nice visit and we believe a good time was had by all!


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