Movies and such….

by on Jul.17, 2011, under July 2011

Friday, July 15th, the new and final Harry Potter movie came out.  Michaela tried to get tickets for the midnight showing, but they were sold out.  So, she went at noon and left the kids with Paul.

On Saturday, the kids got their hair cut for school and got to watch a tug boat push some barges into the lock at the dam.   Brenna was invited to Makayla’s to spend the night (Makayla doesn’t like to sleep away from her house).  It was a quiet day at home with Michaela, Paul and Nick.  During dinner, Transformers 3 – Dark of the Moon was brought up and it was decided that Nick and Michaela would go see it.  They both thought it was good and Nick was wide awake when they got home.  Oops! What happened to the little boy who falls asleep in the car?!

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