Author Archive
Brenna’a Birthday Dinner
by Paul Martin on Feb.24, 2012, under General
Sent from my Motorola Smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!
Brenna’s ready for her first game as a cheerleader, Saturday, January 7, 2012.
by Paul Martin on Jan.07, 2012, under General
Brenna riding a pony at the Steekee carnival
by Paul Martin on Oct.01, 2011, under Brenna, September 2011
Press play to watch the video clip of Brenna riding the pony!
Just give it one second….the video camera operator will turn the camera the right way…press play…you’ll understand what this means.
The Red Rocker on VH1’s That Metal Show
by Paul Martin on Sep.29, 2011, under General, September 2011
Heading to Gladwin
by Paul Martin on Sep.22, 2011, under Paul, September 2011
It’s going to be a long day.
Battle of the Bridge
by Paul Martin on Sep.16, 2011, under August 2011, Michaela, Nicklas
Nicklas & Michaela went to Loudon High School to see the 2011 Battle of the Bridge. Because of the rivalry that exists between the two Loudon County High Schools, this game is a well attended game – to say the least. Loudon ended up winning the game…but no one is really sure how much of it Nicklas saw. Because, as we seem to have forgotten from our high school years, going to the football game is not about the game. It’s a social event….
Here is WBIR’s wrap of the game:
and the story on WBIR’s website:
Brenna – Labor Day Weekend
by Paul Martin on Sep.16, 2011, under Brenna, September 2011
Brenna spent both Friday & Saturday night of Labor Day weekend at her friend Maykayla’s house. Reluctantly, she came home on Sunday. If given the choice, she would have loved to stayed where she was and played the weekend away!
Live From The Field
by Paul Martin on Aug.27, 2011, under August 2011, Nicklas
Nicklas wants to know when Fox is going to use the glow puck for their broadcasts again ….
This Just About Says it All….
by Paul Martin on Jul.21, 2011, under General, July 2011
Cars II
by Paul Martin on Jul.08, 2011, under Brenna, July 2011, Michaela, Nicklas
Brenna, Nicklas, & Michaela went to see Cars II Thursday, July 7th. They all enjoyed the movie but aren’t really allowed to talk about it – at least while Paul is around – as Paul hasn’t seen it yet, wants to, and doesn’t want to deal with a spoiler!